Lower Case HTML Tags and HTML Tag Attributes
When entering your basic HTML tags and HTML tag attributes use lower case in preparation for future web technologies, consistent web page rendering and search engine optimization.
Why Use Lower Case for HTML tags and HTML Tag Attributes?
In the past it did not matter whether you used lower case or upper case when entering HTML tags or HTML tag attributes but with XHTML lower case is required. In preparation for future upgrades, use lower case HTML tags and HTML tag attributes now and save yourself some work later.
XHTML documents must use lower case for all HTML element and attribute names.
Source: XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition) Point 4.2. Element and attribute names must be in lower case
As web technology progresses the use of XML will be more common. XML is case sensitive. This means that <P></P> and <p></p> are different in XML.
In addition to preparing for the future, mixing lower and upper case HTML tags and HTML tag attributes can cause problems for the browsers and/or the web server. Like XML, some browsers and web servers see Index.htm as being different from index.htm.
Coding all the same way is much easier to remember than trying to remember how you named an image or file.
From a search engine optimization point of view, most people conducting searches use lower case. The search engines also consider Filename different from filename.
So let's review the reasons to use small case:
- Preparation for the future
- Easier rendering of the web page
- Easier to remember how you named your images and files
- Most search engine searches are done in lower case
My WYSWYG Editor uses Capitals for HTML Tags & HTML Tag Attributes
Somewhere under Preferences or Options there should be an option to change the default to use small case when entering HTML tags and HTML tag attributes. Find it and change it.
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Prepare web pages for the future by using lower case HTML
tags and HTML tag attributes..