Validate CSS Code - CSS Code Validators
What CSS Code Validators Do
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) code validators check that the web page style sheet coding is in compliance with CSS standards set by the W3C.
If your web page stylesheet(s) do not validate chances are they won't render properly in all the browsers. Use one of the many CSS code validators available to validate CSS code for each cascading style sheet in the web site. If the cascading style sheet is correct it doesn't take much time to validate CSS code.
CSS Code Validators Available
There are various CSS code validators available on the net. We use and recommend the W3C's free validation services to validate CSS code.
There are 3 choices, you can validate CSS code by using the url of the page , by uploading from your computer or by inserting CSS code.
Something you have to understand is, programs take time to write and update. Other CSS code validators online and downloadable programs may not be testing for the latest standard. The W3C group wrote the standards and created the validators available through their site and why we reccommend using their services to validate CSS code.
Using the W3C's CSS Validation Services
Note: Before validating embedded styles with the CSS validator you have to validate the HTML coding.
The W3C CSS Validation services interface has been updated. To see the following settings, click the More Options link to show the options.
In all versions select the following from the drop-down boxes:
W3C CSS Valiator Warnings
When you click the down arrow to expose the the warnigs options you have the following choices. We recommend you choose the All option.
- Normal Report
- All
- Most important
- No warnings
If you have used the same colour in different styles for your website you may get some warnings. The validator is promopting you to take a second look at what you have setup. If you have not created enough contrast the item may not be viewable.
CSS Profile
There are various CSS profiles you can validate your stylesheet against. The latest recommended CSS specification will be selected by default.
Select the CSS specification you wish to validate your stylesheet for.
Viewing Medium
The last of the options available for the Validation Service is Medium.
This refers to how the website will be viewed.
Click the down arrow of this option box to view the different types of medium the validator supports.
We recommend selecting the All option.
Next, click the Check button.
If the CSS uses valid CSS coding and no warnings are found the CSS validator results will say "No error or warning found"
You may notice that some websites have an image that looks like this:
This indicates that the page uses valid CSS code. Once your pages validate you can also add the appropriate image to the page. The guidelines for image use are available at My document is valid, can I use your valid icon?
My CSS (Cascading Stylesheet) Won't Validate!
If you see the message "Errors" then the CSS validator found that there are CSS coding errors. Look below this message and there will be a list of errors contained in the CSS. The error(s) list which tag/class has the error and a suggestion of what is incorrect.
- Did you type all CSS code correctly?
- Did you manually enter all CSS coding? If you copied and pasted the coding then quite possibly in the process characters that the validator does not understand were added.
Related Code Validation Services
- HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Code Validators What HTML code validators do, HTML code validators available, using the W3C's Validation Services, why your page won't validate and why when validating web pages you get "Fatal Error: No DOCTYPE specified!"
- Link Validators What link check validators do, link check validators available, using the W3C's Link Checker Services and what to do when the link checker finds broken links.
If you found this web page a useful resource for your own website please link as follows:
Validate CSS Code - CSS Code Validators Learn
to validate CSS code. How to use CSS validators. Produce CSS coding that
contains compliant CSS code using a CSS validator.